Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Liberty's Enemies = Obama's Friends

Its strangely ironic and simultaneously disturbing to think that as we celebrate America's independence, whether in our backyard's or at ball parks and campgrounds, American ambassadors and diplomats will be cozying up to dimplomatic representatives of an outwardly anti-american, anti-democracy, anti-human rights Iranian regime.

These diplomatic receptions, designated as "unofficial" by President Obama, mock the liberties we as a Americans took up arms to create, and shed blood to preserve for well over two centuries. At the same time these diplomatic daliances also send a message to the Iranian people that their desire, yearning and sacrafice for a secular democracy is superceded by a vain attempt to prove to the world that the charm and personality of an American president can soften the ideological intolerant stance of a brutal Islamic facist regime bent on acquiring a nuclear arsenal.

Compare the Obama administration's tight lipped foreign policy stance on Iran to the outspoken position that the administration has taken against the ousters of Honduran President Manuel Zelaya. In a Caesar Chavez style grab for power, Zelaya tried to change the Honduran constitution in order to install himself as El Presidente for life. Thankfully the Honduras Supreme Court and Congress decided that Zelaya could not be trusted to stay in power and had the military remove him from office, a move viewed as "illegal" by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton. Zelaya's response to his ousting was to pander to the United Nations general assembly(afterall, where else can an aspiring dictator get a fair shake?), insisting that he would return to power in Honduras, a asserting that:

" When I'm back, people are going to say, Commander, we're at your
service, the army will have to correct itself...there's no other possibility."

Lesson to be learned: Governments that follow the rule of law, in preserving a true democratic society have no place at the Obama administaration's Independence Day picnic table. Better to be an oppressed Iranian, bloodied in the streets, with no voice to speak out against the tyranny of a brutal theocratic regime, than to be a Honduran willing to constitutionally stop a power grab by an aspiring dictatorial thug. I hope the hot dogs and hamburgers at these embassy barbeques are halal or there will be real trouble!

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